Monthly Archives:' June 2015

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Book Stall

Since I moved house I’ve had a pile of tech books stacked under my desk that I know I’ll never read but don’t want to give to the local charity shop as I doubt they’d sell. So I was thinking, I might just bring them along to the con, put them on a table and if anyone wants one they can put some cash in a charity donation bucket. I’m sure there will be someone from a hackerspace there at the end who be happy to take any left overs away and if not then I’ve tried and Oxfam can have them.

If anyone else wants to bring along any that they don’t want then feel free, better given to a good home than collecting dust and taking up space.

Evening Entertainment

To keep the fun going into the evening, Jess Barker has volunteered to put together an infosec quiz for us which we are going to mix in with some rounds of PowerPoint karaoke MC’d by Freaky Clown. For those unfamiliar with PowerPoint karaoke, we pull a selection of slide decks from the internet and each presenter is given a random one to present on sight, how they do it and in what style is up to them.

All this topped off with a good helping of Northern cuisine and a nice large bar tab courtesy of Nettitude  should make it an evening to remember.

PS for those brave enough, the SteelCon shots will be making a return. For those who weren’t involved last year you’ll have to wait for the night to find out our secret ingredient.

Extra tickets

Last Thursday I was very happy to announce that we sold out of all 200 Hacker tickets that were available online. Since then I’ve had quite a lot of emails from people who left it a little late and are now stuck without a ticket.

The reason we capped the tickets at 200 was to allow us to budget for food, goody bags etc and to get things ordered, however the actual venue capacity is quite a lot higher than this. So, what I’ve decided to do is to release another 50 tickets however these will not get you goody bags on the door, the cash is needed to cover other things that weren’t in the original budget numbers. If there is spare cash then I’ll try to put together a minimal bag and last year there were quite a few bags left over from no-shows so these will be given out towards the end of the day so you may still get something.

I’ll be releasing the tickets initially to those on the waiting list then at 9AM tomorrow morning they will open to general sales.

Speakers Announcement

We still have more to come but here is the current list of confirmed speakers:

Opening Keynote

Campbell Murray – Getting started in SCADA testing

Closing Keynote

Freaky Clown and Jessica Barker – Get Hacked


Chris Ratcliff – Hacking Meatware

Finux – Wrong Side of History

Mo Amin – Popping the Bubble

Darren Martyn – 0wning the Internet of Trash: A gentle intro to IoT Ownage

Alastair – The Matrix LD_PRELOADED

David Day – HAL can read malwares lips

Dave Hardy and Ben Turner – PowerShell Fu with Metasploit  “Interactive PowerShell Sessions in Metasploit”

Grigorios Fragkos – Can you really hack an airplane? (myths & truths)

xtr4ngeAttacking the user to compromise corporate networks with FruityWifi

Tom Keetch – Reverse Engineering Android Applications


Finux – Docker for security researchers and pen testers (2.5 hours)