Extra tickets

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Last Thursday I was very happy to announce that we sold out of all 200 Hacker tickets that were available online. Since then I’ve had quite a lot of emails from people who left it a little late and are now stuck without a ticket.

The reason we capped the tickets at 200 was to allow us to budget for food, goody bags etc and to get things ordered, however the actual venue capacity is quite a lot higher than this. So, what I’ve decided to do is to release another 50 tickets however these will not get you goody bags on the door, the cash is needed to cover other things that weren’t in the original budget numbers. If there is spare cash then I’ll try to put together a minimal bag and last year there were quite a few bags left over from no-shows so these will be given out towards the end of the day so you may still get something.

I’ll be releasing the tickets initially to those on the waiting list then at 9AM tomorrow morning they will open to general sales.

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